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Old 08-08-2016, 09:05 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You do realize that Parado's Law, the rule of 80-20 applies.
Hence 20% of the people are liable to read the constitution (or anything else). And I believe that number could be off by half (i.e. maybe 10% instead of 20%).

Most dialogue is either 3rd or more hand; or more than likely a parroting of their favorite biased media source; or talking partisan point directives.

If there were more first hand basis for discussion the quality of dialogue would increase sunstantially.

And there may even be an increased tolerance for opinions other than their own.

But not likely in this instant gratification, electronic instant communication of everything from fact to political BS.
These days it's closer to a 99:1 ratio with 1% actually knowing the material and 99% just repeating an opinion they "agree" with.

No, I think with information comes a lack of "tolerance", information lets you "know" the truth of a thing. Tolerance is compromise and compromise is ALWAYS settling for less. Compromise doesn't foster greatness. Compromise and tolerance is voting for the lesser of two evils. It won't "fix" anything.