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Old 08-18-2016, 04:58 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Why didn't this story enter mainstream media?

In the beginning of the week Joe Biden joined Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail in Scranton, PA. Joe went off his prepared remarks by making claim that Donald Trump is unfit to be president and that he couldn't be trusted with the nuclear codes. Then crazy Joe stuck his foot in his mouth again. He says pointing to a guy in the crowd. You see that guy there well if something happens to the president that guy is with me all the time because he carries the nuclear codes about dumb

But there is more irony to this story then Joe's faux pas. He is calling Donald Trump unfit to be trusted with the nuclear code while Hillary Clinton continues to be haunted by her illegal and grossly negligence of top secret information that properly hacked by every enemy government

Richard Nixon was a piker next to Hillary Clinton and the liberal establishment and media haunted him until he resigned. And here is clear criminal activity by a politician with a history of criminal activity and this nation continues to allow her to campaign
It begs so many questions and those questions are be smothered by progressives who are determined to canonize their demigod.

Personal Best Regards:
Good post.