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Old 08-27-2016, 07:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
What was Obama handed? The great Recession. and two unfunded wars! But you are right he added ten trillion in debt, but it had nothing literally nothing to do with what he was handed.

What did Obama do in first two years to create the Tea Party? Take a damn good look at pictures from their first Washington rally. Pictures of him as a black Hitler. What about the birthers. 65% of republicans still don't believe he was born in the US. The color of his skin created the racial divide. Whose fault is that like he a choice about who his parents are?

Concerning the original question, The Democrats don't need a contingency plan. Nothing is going to happen in the next two months. If WikiLeaks had something that would bring her down immediately, they would have done it already. Lying under oath will take time.
Obama did NOT get drafted, he ran for the office knowing fully what he was getting himself into. He is the one that made promises that he knew he couldn't keep. He is a failure, a loser.

It was not Obama's color of his skin that made the racial divide. It was obama's chip on his shoulder that caused the divide. He made the almost nonexistent racial differences into a chasm. And blind disgruntled liberals ran with it. Guppies.