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Old 08-31-2016, 08:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
African Americans are still concentrated in neighborhoods with high poverty and still lack full access to decent housing | Economic Policy Institute

Let's talk about how these places can be improved. Maybe some of the TOTVers have some wisdom in this area.

I lived in one of these drug invested and mainly poor black neighborhoods in the Summer of 1988 in Minneapolis and basically would not go out after dark because of the often drug deals going on across the street in the park. Shots would sometimes ring out at night.

The rent was very cheap that Summer.

Part of the problem back then was that people were still judged by the color of their skin and that would close many doors that were wide open to people of other colors.

That still seems to be a problem. As does the extremely limited resources going to these neighborhoods and the attractiveness of the relative very easy but very risky drug trade.
They BRING the poverty to an area. A once beautiful place, decays as the "diversity" increases. THEY are the problem.

They DESTROY their housing. That's why it isn't decent.

How can they be improved? Make them white again. Move the blacks out and the whites in and becomes a nice place to live again.

You have to understand, it's them. THEY are the problem. If there was ONE place on this entire planet that was 99% black and a paradise, even OK, I'd believe they're equal. There isn't ONE decent 99% black place on the planet. That says a LOT!

The neighborhood wasn't like that until AFTER it became "black". They CHANGED a neighborhood with their presence. It ALWAYS happens the same way. They move in, the place goes down hill. Becoming poor and violent.

Blacks are the ones who do 90% of the shootings, want to curb gun violence...keep guns away from blacks.

You people KEEP saying that lie...that we JUDGE BY THE COLOR OF THEIR SKIN. No, we do not. We judge by their actions. We IDENTIFY them by their physical appearance. We KNOW blacks bring misery. They bring down neighborhoods, schools, workplaces...

It's throwing good money after bad. It's a waste of time and money. In 150 years, they've achieved nothing on their own and they expect everything GIVEN to them. They're a drain on the nation. An unsustainable drain. Over 50% of the country gets benefits from the government, how high can it go before we can't do it any more? They get the equivalent of $60,000 a year in benefits.

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
It has nothing to do with the color of their skin. Not everyone living there is black. It has to do with working for a living. If you want it free, you get what you pay for.
Blacks and Hispanics for the most part...take a look at your future as they become the majority. They already are in kindergarten and 1st grade...and growing every year. The new baby boom...Hispanic anchor babies having their OWN kids. 1/3rd the population is Hispanic now...and growing.

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
When all is said and done, it's basically a dysfunctional inner city culture problem more so than a race issue
No, it's a dysfunctional RACE creating a dysfunctional culture within the inner cities. It's like letting children run things.

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
There will always be poor people. Most of us did not have the silver spoon. Majority came evidently find Job or skill to support them self. Yes, have to do things like join military or take job to survive till one thing better comes along. There will always be some that alow bad habit to over take commonsense.

As along as we have certain party that panders for votes and not advancement nothing will change. Another thing higher education IMO not always the answer. Most college graduates have no skill just piece of paper that says I spent time parting and studying a meanless subject and passed test. Now add in job losses for 40 years due to outsourcing slave labor. This what we get, very rich, very poor, and few between.
Yes, but not violent and poor. Being poor won't make you violent but being violent will make you poor.

You ASSUME that they think like you and I. They don't. Look at how they live, how can you think they think like we do? They're incapable of the looking within and insightfulness we have...they just don't. Again, WHERE are they successful when left to their own devices?

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
It's hard for them to find employment when they have a chip on their shoulders and consistently feel sorry for themselves. Losers hang with losers, so you have a bad neighborhood.
Yup. And it's hard when you're not as bright, unpredictable, and violent. When you talk funny, look funny, act funny.

There are a LOT of reasons and they ALL point back to them.