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Old 09-07-2016, 07:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Either produce an alternative or go away with your complaining. You are tiresome and an obstacle conversation.
Don't vote for ANY D or's that for an alternative?

An obstacle to conversation? How? By tearing apart anything you say? Yes, it IS no fun trying to convince someone who knows so much more than you do to believe the lies too.

People HATE being proven wrong. I get it. It's why you rebel so.

ESPECIALLY when it's a deeply ingrained belief they had.

You're WRONG about politics and the country.

You're WRONG about race and equality.

You're WRONG that the Hispanic invasion/baby boom won't destroy this country/culture.

I do a lot of talking here...NOBODY mounts a successful contrary opinion. They tell me I'm wrong with nothing to back it up...because there ISN'T anything to back it up.

You've been fed lies your whole life and you believe them. It's NOT your fault you believe the lies. What IS your fault is refusing to even listen to the opposing FACTS that prove it IS all a lie.

Wake up...look around. Is what you see the same as what they tell you? No

I'd fight this hard if the plan was to allow children the same rights and responsibilities as adults. They're NOT capable and I would prove it. Minorities too are like children, not capable. They can't be treated "the same" as those who are. They can be "equals" under law. But law shouldn't dictate how "I", how WE have to treat them. If I don't want them around, it is MY right of free association. I chose that by being here in the villages, living in the bubble...because it's the ONLY place I could find that was free of them.

Diversity WILL destroy this country. Unless we ACTIVELY work to stop it. ALL the illegals and their anchor babies MUST go or the country WILL be lost as they breed us out. It's a mathematical certainty.

Like an unchecked bacterial or viral infection...if untreated, it will eventually sicken and kill the host. The country is infected, with Hispanics...if nothing is done, we're Mexico II within 30 years.

Take back your country...but DON'T trust Trump to do it. He's leading you down the primrose path...he SAYS he'll fix things...he won't. You're being SET UP...AGAIN. When will people learn? When will their memory last more than 4 years? They do this to us EVERY election. It's THEATER!!! It's the D and R party that is EVIL.