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Old 09-07-2016, 09:30 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
For better of for worse, WE HAVE A TWO PARTY SYSTEM.
It is a forgone conclusion that EITHER a democrat or a republican will win.

Your support of an independent simply will not get your choice to be president.

If, you choose to vote for an independent perhaps, you can claim DON'T BLAME ME, I DID NOT VOTE FOR EITHER THE DEMOCRAT OR THE REPUBLICAN.

I proudly and honestly can say I did not vote for OBAMA.
Sadly, I will still suffer from Obama fanning the dull sparks of racial hostility into flames, his having fueled the gimmmmmeeeeeee, u o meeeeeee mentality, and his having made hard work, saving, self RESPONSIBILITY and SUCCESS into somehow being EVIL. OH and even though I did not vote for Obama, I still get to pay THE OBAMA TEN TRILLION DOLLAR OVERDRAFT and the it has to POP,
OBAMA BUBBLE-due to buying our own debt with QUANTITATIVE EASING. Even quantitative easing has been done before in history. Not only did germany do it, not as clearly taught or discussed but italy, spain and several other countries did the same. WE ARE SEEING EXACTLY THE SAME THING HAPPEN. Our government devalued our currency so the rest of the world is doing the same. IT NEVER ENDS WELL.
We have a 2 party system because that's who everyone votes for. They've been hoodwinked into giving up their vote for a lesser evil.