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Old 09-08-2016, 08:52 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
As I've stated previously, as long as the general public cannot view the political forum and they need to sign up and specifically request coming down here...I don't see an issue with it.

In fact, it serves the purpose of showing the hate/bile/racism/bigotry/intolerance of all too many Villagers...albeit anonymously.

These same people have learned not to broadcast their ugliness in public, so at least they now have a venue in which to spew it.

I can't count the times when people who I thought were decent based on their outward behavior most of the time, expressed their racism/bigotry/hate for others when they thought they were in the company of like-minded others.

So for me at least, this forum is simply a confirmation that although the majority of the right here are not so blatantly insistent on publicly screaming their racism/bigotry as a few here are...they are certainly sympathetic and share a lot of their intolerance.

In that respect, this forum provides a public benefit in showcasing why the right is an old, white, intolerant and dying breed.

And that's a good thing in my mind.

Too bad we own everything!