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Old 09-10-2016, 09:07 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
SO, the idiot speaks again and tries to make a comparison to the subject, unsuccessfully of course.
What I said has nothing to do with what your rant is all about. And by the way, stepping over the border does not constitute living overseas, D.A. You consider living in a big city to be foreign.
Get a life.
Pretty brave calling someone an idiot from behind the keyboard.

It is good that you use such inconsideration and cowardly trash talk in your opening sentence. It alerts us to the usless crap to follow.

Typical contrarian taking someone elses words and manipulating them into something that suits or support the trashy BS being presented.

Get a life? You should hope to ever have it as good.

Complete disrespectfull cowardly fool calling someone an idiot from the safety of your hiding place.