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Old 09-19-2016, 12:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Trump is the face of the GOP ..... ask yourself how could this happen? Because the GOP has been taken over by the right wing of the party spewing hatred and fear. The GOP disintegrated and the result is this demagogue, who lies, insults, makes fun of the unfortunate, is racist and by far a lousy businessman. His bankrupt programs have left thousands of workers, and construction vendors stuck with bills and expenses that Trump refused to pay. He defrauded hundreds of people with Trump U. which was a total scam. He will not disclose his taxes for fear of the truth that his claimed wealth is a small fraction of what he claims. The bulk of his wealth is in real estate deals that have lost millions in value. It is estimated that he is in debt in the millions.
And this is the man many of you want to become president? You have to be deaf, dumb, blind or just as bigoted as he is to support this guy.
The choice is between him and a scumbag Hilary, that is responsible for many deaths, some we don't even know thanks to her email coverup. Her stealing from Charity and her pathological lying.
I'm voting for Trump.