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Old 06-05-2008, 10:33 PM
Sidney Lanier Sidney Lanier is offline
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Default Re: Pay your bond or not?

In my opinion, it depends. I know, that's a big help.

It's a real plus to BUY a house with 'bond paid'; we did that and know that the sellers did not get back the value of the bond.

If you know you're going to live with the house in frog-like fashion (here till you croak...), then you save yourself a lifetime--well, at our age a lifetime, as I believe the bonds are 30, not 10, years--of interest.

On the other hand, if you have better use for that money that will generate more income than you're paying for keeping the bond as your debt, you're better off not paying it.

And if you're SELLING a house, it may look good in the listing to see 'bond paid,' but IMHO you don't get back what you put into paying it.

Doesn't help much, does it?...