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Old 09-24-2016, 05:57 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Charlotte has become somewhat an indicator of how we, the USA, DO NOT deal with out of control rioting and destruction.

If there were an event of interest in Charlotte's downtown area, would you go?

The same failed rules of engagement that the USA uses in foreign situations are the failed lack of enforcement in Charlotte and other cities to date.

There are radicals being imported to create destruction, mayhem and murder. The police and national guard are, for all practical purposes, standing by.

Have we become so paralyzed at the thought of offending the blacks that law enforcement is unable to do little more than contain?!

I personally think it is time to get back to ENFORCEMENT.
I think the fear of someone calling out racism needs to be set aside.
I think those responsible for the cities and it's peoples need to set aside politics and racism or get out of the way and let someone in who can.

Like it or not it is time to lower the boom on the lawless.

Bring on the water cannons.
Where is the special holding area to round up the perpetrators and vet them to see who they are and where are they from.

Are we by default yielding to a minority that is in fact destroying our cities, our freedoms, because they are being allowed to do so.

This is not a partisan issue as I am fairly certain that all that matters to those that would do you harm is that you are white or perhaps even worse that you may be a white law enforcement agent.

If we do not get back to enforcing the laws, and stop the politicization and racism, we will be continuing to be like the war torn cities from afar that we view on the television.

I am also willing to make a wager the resident black community is just as anxious as whites.

What is it going to take? Someone from your family to be threatened? Maimed? Killed? In one of these events?

We need the return of discipline and enforcement so the perpetrators will think twice about whether to do wrong.
Yes we need to put the fear back in it or not!!
Good post.