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Old 09-27-2016, 08:24 AM
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Default As i read these posts

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Apparently, the drugs they put her on helped her finally do her hair. Unless she got her girlfriend to do it.

After the debate, Bill was shaking everyone's hand until he realized that Hildibeast was standing behind him and he moved out of the way. I guess he suddenly realized that they were not there to cheer him on. Anyone notice that as they were leaving the venue side by side, he was not holding her hand like most married folks would? Especially if the spouse was concerned about her welfare.

The debate did go pretty fast, although I was not impressed by it. Neither one was very entertaining and there was no new/fresh information revealed, other than the fact that Hillary was able to stand up, unsupported for 90 minutes. That is an achievement. I wonder what drugs gave her that ability.
I plan on voting for TRUMP however, I must admit, he lost the debate. Trump showed up with a cold. Imagine having a cold and not being able to blow your nose for two hours.

They were both MEDICAL MARVELS. Hillary still has that uncontrolled eye movement but she has learned to hide it with great skill. Did you not see her close her eyes? Did you not see her look down as soon as it started.

Hillary made some good points about Trumps tax return and he did not handle it well. I expect that Trump paid very little in tax. Frankly that is a problem or a feature of our 86,000 page tax code. Our government, whether you agree with it or not, has made real estate very tax advantaged. There is no other economic activity where people regularly finance 90% or even more and then can deduct the interest on that loan. Many of the issues are far to complex to cover in the time allowed in this debate format. The Clinton gang left the white house 14 million dollars in debt. They somehow bought a home in Chapaqua worth 1.5 million dollars so Hillary could run as a carpetbagger senator from New York. UNLESS YOUR NAME IS CLINTON NO ONE CAN DO THAT. THE RATIO BETWEEN DEBT AND INCOME IS PRESCRIBED AND YOU NEED TO SHOW TWO YEARS WORTH OF TAX RETURNS.