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Old 09-27-2016, 09:49 AM
Posts: n/a

The debates are the debates. Haven't we all heard about Trump's taxes or Hillary's email scandals??? The debates won't change my mind at all. It's simply a competition of who can outdo the other. Does the media and the Democrats actually think that Hillary "winning" the debate would erase the fact that she let 4 men die in Bengazi and then admitted she didn't even care? Or how about the well over 13,000 emails she had destroyed using Bleachbit and a hammer, after they were told to turn over the emails to the FBI?? How about the fact that over 52 people have "mysteriously" turned up dead because they were about to expose her for what she is?? Or how about the fact that she compromised our national security and possibly put it into the hands of our enemy? Or how about the fact that she encouraged the BLM movement and hates our policemen?? How about the fact that she will not go to bat for our Vets and has no respect for our military?? Or how about the fact that she converted to the Muslim faith in the early 90's and wants the word God taken out of the Pledge?? Or how about the fact that she had ZERO American flags at the democratic Convention and was shamed into putting some up?? What about the fact that in her decades of service we can't name what she has done for the people?? How about the fact that she wants to continue with Obamacare and all of Obamas practices?? I could go on and on but no debate can wipe these deplorable acts away. I'm voting for Trump whether he "wins" a debate of not.