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Old 09-27-2016, 01:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Definitely. The reviews are in, and Hillary won resoundingly, Trump looked like a moron. Starting with the sniffling - what was that all about??? Cocaine use, or high on something else? He rambled, couldn't stay on the subject or answer a question, had poor command of the facts. His knowledge was superficial like that of a high schooler although that is giving him too much credit. And he was so easily baited! I can't believe how easy it was for Hillary to get under his skin. A President has to be above all of that, and he clearly isn't. He does not have the temperament for sure. All Hillary had to do was prod him a little and every time he opened his mouth he self imploded. In a week or so when the new polls come out she should get a big bounce. My guess is he won't do any future debates because they he can't handle the format. As far as Lester Holt, he was better than Lauer, but still he should have exercised more control over Trump when he exceeded his time limits and kept interrupting Hillary. And perhaps a little more fact checking?