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Old 09-27-2016, 10:38 PM
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Default A Woman's Right To Choose

The Republicans say they are against a woman's right to choose to have an abortion. They say it is murder. Some Republicans try to say abortion is okay in the case of rape or incest. That seems to be saying murder is okay in some instances.

You cannot be pro-life if you say abortion is okay in some cases. It is a 100 percent for or 100 percent against. No in between.

Now, take it to a personal level. If your 13 year old grand daughter was impregnated by consensual sex with a 14 year old boy - would you force her to have the baby? How about a 13 year old grand daughter impregnated by her uncle? Would you as the grandfather allow her to have an abortion? Oh, you and your wife are raising the grand daughter as her legal custodians.

Now, are you pro-choice or pro-life?