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Old 10-01-2016, 02:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
We're talking about just neutering the pronouns. There still will be boys and girls, right?
The U of MI makes pronouns optional based on a student's preference. But we find that people seem to travel from the sublime to the ridiculous ergo trigger warnings, micro-aggressions, cultural appropriations and safe spaces. . Its clear that the homosexual community has had a very aggressive agenda since at least 1987. The issue of pronouns is devious. I mean it is a way to get around biology with a slight of hand. if you buy into neutral gender than sex between two people any two people means nothing because gender means nothing. its like Hollywood's push for homosexual sex on TV ,movies because if it continues to be repeated it becomes normal and then socially acceptable. Think in terms of the "F" word Once if a kid use that word in public his/her mouth would have been washed out with soap. today the "F" substitutes for a noun, adjective, verb, etc

Also bear in mind that public schools are doing a major indoctrination job on our kids as to the issue of homosexuality . If I were still a parent with kids in school they would be home schooled . Public schools today are incubators for future socialist

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