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Old 10-07-2016, 05:21 AM
Posts: n/a

Voter fraud is a felony however like perjury not enforced enough just ask Bill and Hillary.

Democrats deny voter fraud exists. Yet we find cases of voter fraud every where in the nation. And like a cockroach if you see one then there are many unseen and you instinctively know you have a problem

Apparently a drivers license is not sufficient. Perhaps if politicians and the American people had the will nothing less than a passport would serve as ID. However, dishonest people are very inventive and determined and so they would fake passports also because who else but dishonest, immoral or dishonorable people would support an incompetent criminal like Hillary.

My gut tells me there are more Democrats who are against Hillary and the manner in which the Democratic Party has evolved than the news media acknowledges and all we are witnessing is the fringe group of the Democratic Party.

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