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Old 10-08-2016, 09:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Sorry. Your reply smacks of desperation. Deflecting to the Clintons fallback or calling people gay is not even a nice try.

Check out the AP, USA Today, CNN, and Fox Web sites. Check out the responses from his party leaders. After you've done a little homework you may figure out my comment about Trump being in trouble over this.
You may be right about Trump being in trouble over this. He shouldn't be, but the media working for Hitler..y will make it appear so, and the lemmings will follow. Yes, some Republicans too.

But, like I said before he did nothing wrong and should not apologize for it. I'd tell people like you and anyone else that had a problem with it, to kiss my @ss. It happened eleven years ago, when he was a Democrat and he has since seen the light. He is in politics now, and competing with Hitler..y who has been in politics for 30 years and a scumbag even longer.

I've got no problem with what he SAID eleven years ago. I do have problems with what Hitler..y has been DOING while in politics, and before. I won't vote for someone that gets patriots killed on their watch because of their criminal actions.

My vote is for Trump.