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Old 10-09-2016, 10:14 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
why is that not an issue for all these holier than tou posts and yadda my daughters and more yadda my grand daughters?

One talks like most guys flaunting their testosterone whether they have it or not.

Then we have the real deal with an ever growing list of one hell of lot more serious than TALKING about groping.

And the current Clinton who hides, covers for and protects him.

You folks have some tall explaining to do.

We know it is partisan BS.

Any one wanna make a bet the debate tonight stays away from this subject?
With the picture of slick willy fresh in everybody's mind with his cigar at the ready and a willing participant under the desk.

Why is it ALWAYS the man that gets blamed? Like women have NO self control. WHY did she go "under the desk" in the first place?

Women want to f@ck the alpha male. And then they blame HIM when he does it.

Clinton didn't rape anyone...they were ALL "willing participants" at the time. It's when they're ignored afterward that they get ****ed and claim they were "raped"...or "forced".

It's all bullsh!t. Most women are whores selling themselves for a home and a stocked refrigerator. "Marriage" only legitimizes it.