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Old 10-21-2016, 06:30 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Did I spell Rasmussen incorrectly? They have a website where they do polls. Let me know if you have difficulty finding it and I will send someone over to assist you. Not really, but it sounded nice.

Is there some reason that liberals find it necessary to call anyone that they disagree with, a liar? Are you one of Hilary's hitmen that she hires to start fights with Trump supporters?
I think people who believe Rasmussen polls haven't done their homework - the polls which are cited often by Fox news, are terribly inaccurate. . But I can see why a Republican would like to believe them. They one of the few polls that show Trump with any minuscule lead. In reality, Rasmussen polls are biased and inaccurate. An analysis by Nate Silver on FiveThirtyEight ranked Rasmussen 20th out of 23 pollsters for accuracy in the 2012 elections with an average error of 4.2 points. Rasmussen turned out to be one of the most inaccurate pollsters of the 2012 election cycle. Check the link at and you can read up on polling methods and why Rasmussen and a couple other polls are judged to be so poor.