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Old 10-21-2016, 09:01 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I sure hope so. This man Donald Trump becoming President would be quite an embarrassment to the country. Someone who has lied 90% of the time as far as the facts are concerned and who repeatedly demeans and divides all kinds of groups and has given almost no practical policies except for what sounds good to the unthinking.
Yes, I agree. Well facts don't mean much to his supporters, as we see on this thread. I read an interesting article that said that the reason is that people tend to accept arguments that confirm their views and discount facts that challenge what they believe. And if you keep pummeling them with the truth, which is contrary to what they believe, they dig their heels in deeper, because they feel threatened. Of course there is also the factor of Clinton being female. People feel comfortable voting for someone who looks like them i.e. white male, which is why she is doing much better with women voters, and helps explain why a certain percentage of the populace would never vote for Hillary, or would never have voted for Obama.