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Old 10-21-2016, 09:03 AM
paperclip202 paperclip202 is offline
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No conflict of interest, just my thoughts from decades of using Vanguard. Way too many people in TV use funds that charge .8% to 1.2% and then they pay their Advisor 1% to 1.5%! So they are paying $18k to $20k+ in investing cost per $1 million. This is way too high! Times have changed and fees matter. In fact, if you just buy the funds that have the lowest 25% of fees (say .03% to .6%), you stand a pretty good chance of getting good long-term results.

Now that I think of it. If you own Vanguard funds or ETF's, we are all owners of Vanguard (congrats!). iShares and other low cost ETF's are also great.

Why ownership matters at Vanguard

The Villages Florida

Good luck!