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Old 10-21-2016, 09:28 AM
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Originally Posted by mickey100 View Post
Yes, I agree. Well facts don't mean much to his supporters, as we see on this thread. I read an interesting article that said that the reason is that people tend to accept arguments that confirm their views and discount facts that challenge what they believe. And if you keep pummeling them with the truth, which is contrary to what they believe, they dig their heels in deeper, because they feel threatened. Of course there is also the factor of Clinton being female. People feel comfortable voting for someone who looks like them i.e. white male, which is why she is doing much better with women voters, and helps explain why a certain percentage of the populace would never vote for Hillary, or would never have voted for Obama.
Facts don't mean much to the supporters of EITHER side. You think Hillary always tells the truth? Hardly... Both sides, the Ds and Rs are full of blind followers, you'd think politics was a religion the way people blindly follow them...blindly defend them.

Just finding out about "confirmation bias"...better late than never. Maybe it'll help you open up your eyes and see that Hillary is just as bad as Trump. NEITHER should be elected.

Actually, if you keep pummeling people with LIES they start to believe them. The bigger, the better. Lies like we're all equal. Like like this is a threat, that is a threat. Lies like the economy is getting better. All kinds of lies.

She's a woman, that's reason enough not to vote for her. Show me ANY woman at the TOP of any field. When women start becoming the best in their field...not ok, not good, but the absolute BEST, none are better...then I'll believe the "equality lie". She's also a MEAN rotten woman.

He's black, that's reason enough not to vote for him. As with me ANY black at the very top...just one. He was "elected president", that's the top? No, the elections ARE fixed, he didn't earn it, he was placed there. Thank affirmative action and quotas. Hillary may get in via quotas, we "need" a woman.

You're half way there Mickey, there are still lies to shake off. Good luck with your quest for balance and enlightenment. The trouble is...once you see the truth, the lies, the manipulation, it's depressing...and you can't "unknow" it.

It's why I'm here in the bubble...stay as far from the vermin as possible.