Thread: Villages Ear
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Old 10-24-2016, 04:46 AM
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Originally Posted by Brugi View Post
Well, I never did hear back from Oticon. Instead, they contacted my audiologist to let them know I had emailed them.
I'm still scratching my head trying to figure out, how they knew where I purchased my hearing aids.
Anyway, my audiologist called me and asked what the problem was. So I let her know that I was not satisfied about her explanation as to why I can no longer hear music with these hearing aids. So I have another appointment tomorrow and hopefully, if she cannot implement a music program, she can get with someone who can.
I understand with my hearing loss, I am very limited to what I will be able to hear.
My speech discrimination is terrible. I have zero speech discrimination without hearing aids, and only 40% with.
I have to use captioning when watching tv, and no longer hear on the phone. I text real good though :-).
If in an emergency I do need to use the phone, I go thru a captioning service, ( if anyone who has ever used this knows how awful it is. )
So keeping my fingers crossed that a music program can be implemented.
My heart goes out to you because it's so hard to do business of any kind when you cannot hear and especially so when you're dealing for hearing aids. The caption phone would be funny if it were not so dangerous. You absolutely cannot count on what it its captioning. There is a live person repeating what your caller says and the captions are generated from that. It's an insane method and no where near as accurate as TV captions. So many losses come with hearing loss.