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Old 11-08-2016, 08:47 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
What is the deal with Democrats and giving to charity?

True good works are done under the radar.
They depend on it. Liberals, Democrats are mostly women and minorities, both groups depend on the charity of others. Women are helpless during pregnancy and child rearing, minorities just don't have the innate ability to manage/govern themselves and rely on charity in EVERY civilized society they're a part of.

Originally Posted by Guest
Liberals are very generous about giving money to the needy. Only, they enjoy giving other people's money away, not their own. And if it is convenient to make money off of charity, they do that too. Hiltlery is promising FREE college for everyone. Of course, she doesn't mention how EVERYONE's taxes have to go up in order to subsidize college for someone else's kids' college. And don't give me that cr@p about it's only free for those making less than $150K per year. I do not know any HS grad that makes that much money. And she says for everyone else college will be "debt free." Isn't that the same thing as FREE? She also wants gov run single payer health care. Great! We can lower everyone's health care standard so that a few can have better health care. Only the left can see anything positive about this.
We already have 100,000 graduates for 25,000 jobs.

There is no point for the typical woman or minority to go to college. They either lack the ability or they're just wasting a slot that could be filled by someone more capable. Every quota brings down Americas world standing. MOST women use college as a dating service, only interested in finding a "charitable" man who will give her the lifestyle "she deserves". MOST minorities drop out during the freshman year, completely overwhelmed even with greatly reduced standards.

Your health care standard has fallen ever since affirmative action and quotas were started.

ONLY losers can see anything positive in this...