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Old 11-08-2016, 02:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
So let me get this say Trump lies, but everyone in America knows that Killary bold faced lied under oath to the FBI...has Trump??? Killary lied to the American people too many times to count....has Trump lied too many times to count?? Trump took the tax credits that were legal....and Killary has hidden all of her money in the scam of a foundation called the Clinton Foundation which was used for everything but helping others. You say Trumps wall is a do you know??? You say he's a bigot....have you heard Killary talk to her secret Service or any Support staff?? Her language would rival any foul language I've ever heard. You say he uses women like sex toys???? Have you heard the latest on Killary?? She is involved in a child...that's right a CHILD sex ring. Don't believe it?? Wikileaks has been 100% correct thus far with their info. Has Trump compromised our national security?? Has Trump killed people? Has Trump cheated both in the debates and in the election??? Has Trump had paid thugs to terriorize democratic sites??? Has Trump paid people to go to his rallies??? Has Trump committed treason??? And the items that you mention about Trump you think are far worse than what Killary has done. Let me tell you, Killary is a bold faced, career criminal and liar. And if you think you mean anything to her as an American (other than your vote) then you had better think again. When our country becomes flooded with Syrians and Muslims and you have to change your way of life to suit theirs, you have to fear when going out, experience many more bombings and killings on our soil (or do you think it won't happen to you or your family??) you may be singing a different tune. Our safety is at risk, our constitution is at risk, our security is at risk as well as the furture of our country. Now....if you need more I'm happy to oblige.
I am not sure the frame of mind of the person who wrote this post. Hillary Clinton being involved in a child sex ring is beyond sanity. How di YOU know Trump took legal tax credits, he won't disclose his taxes ( the first candidate in history)... Hillary a career criminal, Huh ??? this woman has been investigated more than any other person in history.
Enough said, when people ramble nonsense, I usually try to avoid then.