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Old 11-14-2016, 11:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Violent Anti-Trump Demonstrations by Young People a Cry for the Necessity of a MANDATORY Military Draft – Eagle Rising

Excerpt from the article:
"Today, we have a population of people below the age of 30 who rely on the government in all aspects of their daily life and do not know how to live life without being directed by a common parental figure like their government has been to them all their lives. Such people who have no personal direction, or individual ability to make decisions on their own, without the direction of their government and are so fragile in their personal mental constitution, are people who must be deprogrammed from an indoctrination of modern day Nazism and the fascist vision of a New World Order.

The riots and civil unrest we are experiencing recently, along with the growth of criminal street gangs, and an astounding population of people who have no personal ambition are examples of today’s youth not having any direction, or being taught morals and respect.

Unfortunately, we have the problems today as a result of our young people not being taught to stand on their own as adults and accept responsibility for their own actions. Today’s young people are mere zombies in every sense of the word who cannot think for themselves or make personal decisions that may sway away from the politically correct indoctrination they have been subjected to for all their lives.

The only real solution for these young people to be able to live a normal life in a constitutional United States is for them to be subjected to a mandatory military draft. If they had the guidance, respect, and acceptance of taking responsibility for their own actions as would be taught in the US military, they would become responsible citizens who respect and love their country, thus would become free thinking citizens on an individual level with a common goal of making their country great through making themselves as great as possible."

This actually makes a lot of sense. Somehow, the latest warping of liberalism results in many of the young kids turning into the Cupcake Generation.

The Greatest Generation was storming the beaches at Normandy, fighting the Japanese in the Pacific (hellish campaigns) and fighting / dying at their age.

These current Lefty protestors, both the paid and the gullible, know ZERO about history. There is no "safe space" in the world of international competition. Try packing a rifle for a couple of years, or go work in the inner city doing social services work ... but stop with the cry baby stuff.