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Old 11-19-2016, 03:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The OP is essentially asking does God exist? This is a question that has been asked from one generation to the next since the beginning of time.

Disproving or proving the existence of God is an impossibility both from the believer's and non believer's point of view because the construction of the question is a "negative existential claim" and by its nature cannot be proven.

Perhaps if man were capable of searching this entire universe, end to end, top to bottom, heavenly body to heavenly body a more qualified response would be possible but still not a definitive one

In my view both religion and science require faith. In my view evolution requires intelligent design

Ask yourself if a commercial building were loaded to the very top with alphabet letters and the building was then wired to explode would it be in the realm of reasonableness to expect the result to be the creation of an encyclopedia?

Personal Best Regards:
No, the OP was NOT asking if God exists. The OP asks if you believe in the story of creation of humans exactly as written in The Bible or if evolution has occurred.

How about evolution within the species? That seems more plausible, doesn't it?

The Creationist movement believes every word in The Bible literally. Remember that it was King James of England who had the Bible translated and therefore called The King James Version.

Now, back to the original question. Do you believe that the Earth is appropriate 6,000 years old or the 3+billion that scientists believe? Personally, I go for the 3+ billion. Yes, I do believe in God but not a literal translation of The Bible. The Old Testament is a great collection of folk myths common to just about all civilizations.