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Old 11-20-2016, 06:50 PM
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Originally Posted by rubicon View Post
Indeed a complex topic and one too large for these pages.

One poster views healthcare as a right. I find it convenient when people invent rights for themselves. there is no legal or constitutional basis for such a right, no more than saying people have a right to own a home. We saw what that sort of thinking did to the housing industry with lax underwriting and we see how we are in multi-trillion dollar debt for student loans that many students believe they have a right not to pay back...........................and another dimension to this issue of "my right" is the fact that I am entitled to a lot of right ...its the American way

As to funding the short of it is that the federal government is too big too complex too under educated to handle managing 1/6th of our economy.

The central issue in the OP's topic is funding. The ACA laws were passed with the option to let people in or out at their leisure. Insurance is a pooling of resources by many for the benefit of some especially when it comes to catastrophic losses that the average family cannot absorb. so we have people who get sick buy insurance treat get better drop out. We have young people who being healthy will never opt in until they have a need. etc etc.

Again with sensible regulations and underwriting private insurers can do a better job both managing benefits vis a vis premiums and the fraud and abuse associated with this funding because it all means profit. and keep in mind insurance laws are written that contain the expense component of premium remain fixed. Premium are calculated on an ongoing basis to reflect what is occurring in the economy (marketplace) ACA insurance companies bleeding money are going to individual policies not in ACA to subsidized their losses . Tell me where or when the government worried about expenses or spending. I mean its someone else's money and it is low lying fruit to be picked at any time

This is an issue for us now because we are affected by it now. ACA instigated the mess we are in now. It has reverberated across the healthcare spectrum. My company because of ACA stopped negotiating insurance for its retirees because ACA removed the insurability option. so now the company offers an annual stipend and we do our own search . Ironically we chose the same health care plan as was offered by our company. the kicker is they tell me if we opt out then we are subjected to insurability. The reasoning is obvious and stated above.

ACA has been a disaster and it was meant to be because its authors really wanted a single payer system and so they intentionally have placed a lot of people in harms way to get their political agenda. IMHO people will rue the day they concede to government control vis a vis free enterprise for this large portion of our economy.
My wife and I are both 64 and are paying for our own health insurance so are in the small group that is getting keelhauled by medical juggernaut. When one says medical care is not a right that means someone has to make a call on what to do with people who cannot afford it. Do you do nothing, do you give them pain meds until they die, do you treat them up to a certain dollar limit, etc. Healthcare costs are one of the major reasons our manufacturing sector is dying. I am a believer in the free enterprise system but medical care is in an unsustainable profit making frenzy. Count me as a single payer supporter.