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Old 11-21-2016, 08:13 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest

Who mad you God? If something as simple as a watch can't "just happen", hoe does your "God" who can create a watch "just happen"?

Use your brains people!

No it doesn't, it doesn't say a LOT that your "religious leaders" tell you to believe.

No, it wasn't.

Tell me...who created a "God" capable of creating a universe? DON'T tell me "it just happened" because then...your watch can happen too.
The Bible states that GOD is omnipotent omnipresent omniscient. And HE is eternal, always existed. Therefore, GOD created our time, the universe, the world and mankind. That answers your question. Even though it takes faith to believe this, it also takes faith to believe in your evolution theory. There is more evidence to quantify creation than evolution. You can conceivably have evolution with creation but not just evolution. Meaning, that after creation there can be some form of morphing(evolving) of species over time, but no new species have been created. We have seen extinction of species but we have not seen a totally new species appear.

I'm not an expert on theology. This is what I believe as fact. I do not condemn others for not agreeing with me on my view of faith. I consider my faith to be similar to having insurance. If I am wrong in my belief then there is nothing lost. If I am right in my belief then non-believers are in trouble. So, I do not lose either way.

This is a political forum, and I am only answering you because you asked the question.