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Old 11-21-2016, 01:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Originally Posted by Guest
Sandtrap ... go away and crawl back under your rock.

You easily win the prize for the most annoying poster on TOTV while simultaneously being the least informed.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but right now you, Al and Don Baldwin....are in a tie for first place in that competition.
Least informed? Oh, that's rich... The trouble with idiots, they're too stupid to be able to realize...just how stupid they are. You think I'm "uninformed"?

Who is AL?

Originally Posted by Guest
Nobody knows how old the planet is....that is what I stated in my last response.

Religion has brought........Again that is what I said in my last response

Now your getting it........ No one is getting it and no one has lied. From the first thinking human being we have from generation to generation tried to answer very basic questions. Why am I here? Who created me? Who created the universe? If there are people on earth can there be other living creatures on other planets?

These question fascinate us all but they lead nowhere Scientist make incremental discoveries until another so called discovery negates all of the previous thinking.

We all reason from within. We all believe we make sense of our existence by reasoning and where there are gaps faith fills them in even for scientist.

Scientist use various methods for period dating but what if the processes they use are flawed? I am sure this is helpful but all we learn is what we discovered and yet there is so much that we have not discovered. And we must not forget human flaws such as hubris and confirmation bias.

There are far more unknowns unknowns than known knowns and we can't know what we don't know.

I have concluded that when my heart beats for the last time I will either know truth or will be left in a perpetual state of nothingness. In either case my fate was sealed the day I was born as has every man and woman born of this earth something I have come to accept. So I focus on what counts to be really important in my life each day. Little time for regrets of the past and little time for contemplating future.

But man should never stop the search

Personal Best Regards:
We're agreeing here...

Channeling Rummy? People laughed but they just don't get it.

The thing is...what you think is important and what I think are important may disagree. I care about the world we leave behind, I hate to see it decay like it has since the 60s. Nowhere has really gotten better. It's been a slow decline ever since.

Originally Posted by Guest
The Bible states that GOD is omnipotent omnipresent omniscient. And HE is eternal, always existed. Therefore, GOD created our time, the universe, the world and mankind. That answers your question. Even though it takes faith to believe this, it also takes faith to believe in your evolution theory. There is more evidence to quantify creation than evolution. You can conceivably have evolution with creation but not just evolution. Meaning, that after creation there can be some form of morphing(evolving) of species over time, but no new species have been created. We have seen extinction of species but we have not seen a totally new species appear.

I'm not an expert on theology. This is what I believe as fact. I do not condemn others for not agreeing with me on my view of faith. I consider my faith to be similar to having insurance. If I am wrong in my belief then there is nothing lost. If I am right in my belief then non-believers are in trouble. So, I do not lose either way.

This is a political forum, and I am only answering you because you asked the question.
The Bible? The Bible has been changed, shuffled, rewritten too many times to even THINK it represents anything around when it was created. You should study it...really study it...outside your religion. Old Testament from the Torah and the New...from Paul. Paul IS Christianity. He's the Christian Muhammad. Half the book is his writings and ideas.

The difference between you and me...I can accept..."I don't know" NEED something to explain it.

You're just guessing because you have no clue about evolution and how it works. How it works is have ONE "freak" born that is different than all the rest...with birds it could be a longer beak. IF the longer beak proves BETTER than the shorter one at getting food, the long beak freak ends up surviving and some of its offspring are long beak freaks too, if they do well, they have kids and some of theres are long beaked freaks too. Eventually, you have half the population short beaked and half long beaked...they're now 2 different species. Wasn't that easy? We can take it further and have a long beak freak born with a long tail, the long tail helps with balance and eventually you get 3 populations, 3 species, short beak, long beak, and long with long tail. You now have 3 species.

There was no half goat, half cow. even though they're distantly related. There was an animal that was "not a cow" AND "not a horse" that SLOWLY through "freaks born" EVOLVED into something else...goats and cows.

Get it? From 1 original animal came all the variety we see today because "freaks" are born all the time...what matters to their genetic line is how successful they many offspring did they have.

You're NOT an expert...and that's why you still believe it.

Insurance never used IS a waste. And being pious when you needn't is a waste too. Live YOUR life, not what some guy looking for 10% says.

Religion is political, you don't think the Catholic Church yields political power? They're LOADED! Lots and lots of 10%s.

Someday you may realize it's all hokey.