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Old 11-24-2016, 03:10 PM
PNaughton PNaughton is offline
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Originally Posted by bbbbbb View Post

Well it seems to me:
1. All mail boxes have sufficient overflow parking, if we have to park a short distance and walk say 50+ feet who cares? Exercise a little bit folks.
2. Some older folks are loaded with Arthritic Conditions and so they try to minimize the pain of walking and or backing out. Give em a break, they do need it.
3. Why aggravate that or any situation with a cart? Do you not see that if you purposely antagonize people, then you may be getting some scratches or worse?
4. Relax and enjoy your Retirement, take it easy!!!
5. One guy was very upset at me for where I parked my bike, he threatened to kick out the spokes!!

Is retired life that difficult for some to chill out? Lucky for him he changed his mind, or what is left of it.
