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Old 11-25-2016, 12:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I agree it sets bad precedent to go forward with Petraeus as Secretary of State. and as much as I like Rudy Giuliani he also would be a bad pick.

Romney would be the best pick because compared to most in Washington he is squeaky clean and he is intellectually up to the task.
He has different views than Trump on many issues which is a good thing because Trump needs people willing to speak up and to challenge his position. However Romney is also professional enough to do his due diligence when the final decision is made.

Personal Best Regards:
For what it's worth I agree with your logic. Romney is the best pick as Trump has all hawks right now, they are great at war but totally ignorant to the cost of it. Everyone is salivating antisipating a giant unfunded spending spree. Romney would bring some level of reality to the party.