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Old 11-28-2016, 11:17 AM
justjim justjim is offline
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Default 2040 we gone

Originally Posted by The Chipster View Post
Predictions about what our kids are going to want in the future are like predicting the stock market - good luck. My kids are 27 and 30. They are blown away by The Villages, and can see themselves living in a place like this . . . "someday". But the trajectory of changes in their lifestyles, medical advances, technology innovations, etc. is exponential, making us unable to predict what life might be like in The Villages 20-30 years from now. One concern: millennials are not warming up to golf nearly as much as boomers. This opens up many possibilities here, both good and bad. Maybe massive 3D virtual reality zones on some former golf courses in 2040? Thoughts?
By 2040 most of us posting here will have passed. As chilling as that is to think about, it is fact.

The game I love, GOLF, is statistically trending downward. Lots of reasons. Too expensive and too time consuming for Millennials are the two major factors according to the experts. However, many do love the outdoors and given The Villages year around climate that trends well for places like Florida.

Once retireed, Millennials that love outdoor activities may feel differently about golf. The last time I saw some numbers there are still some 60 million Baby Boomers yet to retire. That should keep The Villages and "The Good Life" going for a while. Oh, and I see beginning golfers almost every time I play golf here. Life is good. Fore.
Most people are as happy as they make up their mind to be. Abraham Lincoln