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Old 12-03-2016, 05:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Well you "Make America Great" supporters... how do you feel now that your guru has backed off of just about everything he promised you. Cleaned the swamp ? wow he plans to nominate a whole lot of big business moguls. One thing we have to give to Mr. Trump... he is the best pied piper ever.

His choice for EPA - a guy that believes global warming is a hoax
His choice for Sect. of Education - no experience, no formal education and does not believe in public schools... oh but her qualifications - she donated $9M to the Trump campaign.
And now they want to privatize your social security benefits along with medicare.
Well..... you got your man.... now we all have to live with the disaster you folks generated.

My favorite is Rep/Dr Price, nominee for sec of HHS, who believes that women should be fired from their jobs if they use birth control. Perhaps some poster can explain the logic in that. And how are the birth control police going to be set up?