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Old 12-04-2016, 01:21 PM
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Default Peace Through Strength

The- thread is called Gen Miattis (mad dog) eager for confrontation with Iran. I believe in the phrase peace through strength. It seems to me counter-intuitive to allow nations who are clearly evil and aggressive to operate with impunity. 9/11 should have taught us a very important lesson. And the subsequent attacks in Asia, Europe, Africa and America on innocent people by these evil doers are not going away. Iran, is a sponsor of terror.

I believe the mistake we have made for a long time is ignoring our generals and trying to politically fight our wars.

If you objectively view Trump's choices he is making it clear to our enemy that the Obama strategy from leading from behind is over.

Trump by his own admission does not favor war but he is also a guy who deals in present realities

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