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Old 12-13-2016, 09:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
First this information did not come from any of those sites you cite. In fact I never heard of any of the sites you cite. secondly as you recall from your college days to use one line is called plagiarism but to use paragraphs is called research. I passed along a reading and that was my only mistake. Because....

Liberals rage is out of control and the campaign for misinformation about anything remotely connected to Trump will persist.

Liberals rage on until they destroy any person who disagrees with them. Its their modus operandi aka/ alinskyisms.

The site of this information was intentionally not cited and predictable the liberal response, discredit the person, discredit the site without even knowing the site because I didn't matter. However what was missing again was that never never did any on the left address or discuss the content. One wonders why?

The responses from this thread underscores the above-stated. The left's actions are reminiscent of what was once termed "brown shirts" Michael Moore leads this charge .

Personal Best Regards:
Allow me to also address a few other things in this particular post.

You say nobody addressed the much crap. What is the never changes.......and it is this, and by the way this is an opinion piece and NOT a reporting of news. The story that you deliver daily is that we are not to believe anything on the main stream media and should allow our opinions to be guided by websites who cater to conspiracy theory and NON USA opinions and thoughts.

By the way also, you have made fun of my presentation at least they are my words and thoughts.

Secondly, as I said...I am not a "enraged liberal".

I am an enraged conservative Republican because of people like you who have taken to the disinformation anti american way of thinking. The party has been taken over by those who believe in hate for anyone that is not like them. Why do we need to have a conspiracy behind everything....that does remind me of the Russia of old.