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Old 12-13-2016, 09:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You know I never ever believed in labels, AND most importantly, you should read some of these websites.....and then tell me they are not hate filled and my party and my conservative movement is moving so fast to the alt right, their head is spinning.

You continue to work on "lables" and forget reading, understanding etc and you are at the mercy of these conspiracy theory groups, and yes well known HATE groups.

I do not fall for that schtick that is used by the Trump, accuse your enemy of doing what you do and keep them on the defensive. I try to stay with facts and facts only.

Hate to say it, but you are not very convincing.

By the way, I do not frequent websites that I believe are totally one sided. I do want factual information, but not conspiracies. Hillary's crimes are NOT conspiracies. Trump being in Putin's pocket IS a lame liberal conspiracy.

But, you are not a convincing conservative Rocky. Sorry, but that is just my opinion, based on your record of comments. No offense intended.