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Old 12-14-2016, 09:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
First, I accept your apology.

I notice that you take no responsibility for your plagiarism or apology for that.

I AM angry. You don't care why, but I am angry because I AM a conservative Republican, and proud of it. Posters who have moved to the extreme conspiratorial place, and reflect that on this forum by IGNORING issues and concentrating on hating the media, the President, using the far right websites as basis for views. Favoring a country like Russia over the USA (only way to understand the fascination wth the pro Russian websites quoted and cited, and hate for any media that does not come from the "leader", no matter his record on truth), refusal to accept the lying if their leader but to demean our own USA press as he requests.

I AM angry because this is NOT being a conservative, or a Republican. The anger toward anyone who disagrees is not being a Republican or conservative. My version of the Republican Party investigates, RESPECTS, and is averse to hating anyone because of skin color, religion or ancestry. They are not the enemy of this country.

Perhaps I am foolish, but the acceptance of Donald Trump and the BLIND acceptance of his words trouble me and yes, make me angry. I believe in morals, ethics and truth. I refuse to accept an acceptance of a man, or website that supports a regime who KILLS journalists or political enemies, who outwardly wants to destroy a united defense with other countries (no matter who pays) and who is a menace to his neighbors. When I hear folks like you denegrate our free press and embrace those who support any regimes like Russia, I do get mad.

I get angry when I hear people support what they know as lying. I get angry at mass groups of people cheering and chanting hateful things (perhaps my study of history is at fault) instead of cheering hopeful facts.

I also, as you, get angry at a non working congress. However, I disagree with cutting off the media and putting my total trust in one single man with a record of cheating and lying that is undeniable.

I get angry at many liberal ideas, but I get angry at people who call them names with no basis to dissuade their position on the issue in question.

I am proud to be a conservative Republican, and submit that those who, on this forum, who preach hate for the media, groups of people without looking at both sides of any issue are not conservative Republicans, but anti a lot of things.

Your posts, as with others do never address issues but more often, address your hate for somebody..your displeasure.with somebody but never addressing the issue.

I get mocked by posters who feel the incoming President is almighty when it comes to economics, but yet to hear anyone come on here and explain HOW it will happen without an exploding national debt. These same posters get angry because they feel black voters blindly accepted a black man....yet accept a white businessman because he is a white businessman, because he certainly has offered no factual ways.

I was one of the most vocal anti Obama posters in this board going back to 2008, and never said a kind word about the Clinton's (as BUCCO). I changed my user name because of insulting and personal PM's from those on the left. I complained both to the admin and online about the actions of those on the left.

I AM angry because now I find myself in the position of agreeing with many of those I opposed, NOT on policy but on concern for the blind trust placed in the hands of an immoral, immature man.

I AM angry because I see people like you using hate for media, hate for certain people to in someway support this person without question and totally blind, then brace it with things generated by extreme pro Russian websites. I see the enlarged base of white supremacists growing in their vocal support for this man without any question from you or others on here.

So I admit to anger. I have read your posts for many years, and my memory is agreeing much more than not, but it appears this extreme move to the far right has moved you.

I DO NOT support ANY of those positions. They are non American, hate based positions and I totally reject them. I reject blind loyalty to ANY man, especially a man who has a history like Trump.
Have you ever stopped to think that you are spending much of your time on here, complaining about how others post? This is an open and unregulated forum, so get over it. If you don't wish to participate, there are other websites out there in the vast Internet that might be more suitable to your requirements.

I'm not really sorry that you do not like my type of conservative. Some folks just won't cooperate with your view or respect your stance on issues. Live with it. If you wish to claim to be a conservative and defend Hillary, that is up to you. Not everyone is going to find that credible. Some will question your view. Live with it.