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Old 12-15-2016, 06:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Ya gloom and doom. Bush handed him an economy that was a disaster, unemployment at 10% and a stock market at 8,000. Now he's cut the unemployment rate in 1/2 and the stock market is booming. That dam Kenyan!

I don't want to call you an idiot.........but.......... I can't help myself.

Did Bush hand Obama a bad economy? Seems like Obama made a lot of promises to fix things when he ran for the job. He volunteered, begged for the job. It's not like he was surprised. Besides, if you look at the record, Bush had a great economy with full employment UNTIL the last two years of his administration when America gave him a Democrat controlled congress. Remember, he tried several times to get Fanny/Freddy audited because he was sure it was going to fail. IT DID!

His reaction to 9/11 kept a second attack from happening. That is what the captured terrorist Khalid Sheik Mohammed claimed. He said they had a whole series of attacks planned, but "cowboy" Bush foiled their plans.