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Old 12-21-2016, 05:33 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
No he has not, and obviously you do not read posts that you do not like.

I along with others note he is not President as of yet and most conversations have been about what he is doing in the mean time and as much as you seem to keep avoiding it....his total and complete lack of seem ok with our President in charge of foreign affairs being indebted for millions to Russia, Turkey and so many more, some of which are or support terrorists states.

How do I know that ? Good question. Based on his own families comments, investigative reports it surely paints that pic but you are right....WE DO NOT KNOW if our President will be thinking HIS business or OUR business.

And of course, as he backs down on every single pledge he has made to his followers during the campaign, I think it fair as to what might happen. One scenario is that he is just the front man for whatever congress not know but I think wondering what he actually stands for is fair based on his history of lying and being unfaithful to not only his wives but his idealogy.
Dear Guest:

Again all we are experiencing from the press , party, etc is the effects of progressives scorned. I have prepared myself for the continuing prattle of false and negative claims made from every corner of this nation and from underneath every rock.

rock on

Personal Best Regards: