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Old 12-22-2016, 07:25 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Dear Guest:

I agree with you that the country lowered the bar when choosing this president but not entirely for the reasons you cite.

It has been written that Jimmy Carter from an IQ stand point was our most intelligent president, yet he has been viewed as the 2nd worse president, Obama now taking first place. Obviously the left will challenge these assertions and rightly so. Fair enough!

However back to my reasons for Obama's poor performance. His ideological positions placed him at odds with common sense because he went by the playbook of Saul Alinsky whose underlying motivation was to divide and conquer. This flies in the face of Americans and their president whose purpose is to be united (hence the United states of America)

He has an inability to be decisive. He is a milquetoast president and France's Nicolas Sarkosy pointed that out almost immediately by asking out loud "Est-il faible" "Is he weak" ? After 8 years of leading from behind Sarkosy has his answer and so does America, Russia, China, Iran Syria etc .

Personal Best Regards:
The "bar" was resting on the ground, we scrapped the bar. We elected a black person and we expected good from it? Your lifetime dealing with blacks...if you're that unfortunate to HAVE to deal with them...SHOULD have warned you. Do they EVER flourish? Do they EVER create anything "good"? Why would you think he was "magic" and not like all the rest? People are foolish sheep...too willing to follow the herd.

There weren't IQ tests back in the 1700s, so we'll never know which was the "smartest". I'd bet you O is that not high on the list. He was ALWAYS...just a "pretty face and voice". To do the speaking for the liberals.

The WORST president for the people was Lincoln. He destroyed states rights and allowed the federal government almost unlimited power. He used slavery politically, personally wanting them all sent to Liberia Africa, a country FOUNDED for the sole purpose of repatriating blacks. Lincoln killed our collective freedom.

Why the poor performance? What he was doing was against the best interests of the people in general. EVERYTHING he did, he did for small groups. Minorities, queers...they "won"...we LOST. And now, within 30 years, we'll lose America...because we voted for a black who destroyed letting the Hispanics invade us. Chalk up another black run failure.

He appears indecisive because he's ruled by many different people with different agendas.