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Old 12-22-2016, 01:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I love Kwanza ! Back in Buffalo each and every year the local media report on the opening of Kwanza .

The footage is pretty much the same each and every year . A couple of inner-city Pastors standing up before about 10 to 12 Grannies with about a dozen kids no older than 7 taking part .

Boys older than 7 are generally busy acting as " Pee-Wee " Recruits for the many Street Gangs operating across the City .
Pee-Wees are trained as " look-outs " , hold the weapons , cash and the drugs for the salesmen .

If they do real well then by age 13 or 14 they progress to full
" members " and get assigned " work " by the " shot-caller ".
It`s a great training program and keeps the kids outside and away from the TV set .
That's it...the liberals see the granny and kids and don't know about the other 99% causing trouble.

The trouble just isn't worth it.

Originally Posted by Guest
I am just happy that those who are white and Christian can take a sigh of relief this holiday season, as that terrible burden on their back is going to leave.

Never understanding what burden Obama put on these people, it is difficult to actually "walk in their shoes". But, they say on this forum, that just the fact that he was black was a terrible and frightful experience for them.

This may give them back that powerful feeling, I suppose that they crave. Oh, being superior is a fun thing, I guess.

This is good for all these folks to get back their dignity ! is a fun thing Rocky...too bad you've never had the pleasure.

Originally Posted by Guest
Buffalo Jim here . Clearly you are calling me out as a racist .

Now here is the difference between you and me . I actually mentored numerous young minorities both men and women such that they eventually acquired MBAs from excellent schools and are now earning well over $150,000 per year .

I recruited these people when they were in college , chose them and personally mentored them . When they were ready and deserving I sponsored them into the best Management Training Programs my company offered .

When they demonstrated achievement I got them into an excellent Executive MBA Program all expenses paid . And when necessary I gave them the flexibility to leave early for classes .

I came up with a program working with the Salvation Army and grew it across five States to the point that today it is now part of NFL Charities .

In my Division which employed over 500 people across 5
States , I was awarded our company`s HR Award for practicing Diversity 3 different years .

Tomorrow , just like clock-work I will receive phone calls from many of the minorities I mentored . They will tell me about their families and their careers and thank me for believing in them .

You however , will continue to single me out as a racist . What I really am is a realist .

I see the world as it is . And I loath hypocrisy and shallow people who simply pick up their tar brush and paint everyone they believe does not toe the Liberal line .

Happy tarring to you my hypocritical friend .
Good for you...however...I KNOW that there were "better qualified" white men who could have used your mentoring and done even better.

I see the world as it is too and in that world white people are inevitably "better" than any minority.

Nice post, I liked the 1st one better...

I loathe quotas.