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Old 12-23-2016, 10:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Let me answer that with the fact that Obama had NO/NO leadership experience or training and look at his miserable record and how divided the country is today. These business billionaires have leadership experience. The government is just another business, supposedly a non-profit business. The gov would have been shut down decades ago if it was a private business, as being unproductive. If you can't see where a business person might have an advantage in management, then you are one of the causes of our country's plight.
It would have been forced into bankruptcy. $20 trillion in debt AND borrowing over a $trillion a year? That's bankrupt.

They'll have an advantage all managing to get even richer off the taxpayer. Trump will borrow and spend like crazy...they'll be in on the ground floor. Officially, they can't profit...but we all know how that goes.