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Old 12-26-2016, 02:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I suspect like me you read a lot. So you place me at an disadvantage to task me to cite such publication. I did go back and try to find the article but its absent. So I understand your questioning and I am not offended.

Nevertheless again, I repeat Obama plays Obama with his head fakes, which by the way, he is horrible at, and only gets away with it because of the media such as the New York Times. Again the article stated his real agenda in staying in Washington DC was to protect his legacy. You reference he made the decision in May. Guys like Obama, Trump etc are looking ahead more than one year out? Do you honestly believe that it is Trump's election that has created Obama's concerned about his legacy.

Obama's hard left push was a major paradigm shift for this nation. And it has been apparent from the start that Obama was building a house of cards (ignore congress, pen, phone fiat)

anything and everything Obama has done for 8 years was to satisfy his ideology and not to serve "we the people" In simple terms the first person knowing his/her performance is not meeting expectations is the person not meeting expectations...its basic management 101. Obama knew he was failing the nation but he didn't care and chose his ideology and kow towing to the elite few.
Do you suppose Obama was formulating his agenda when he first started running for office a few months before being elected? Of course not these guys are always thinking in long terms.

Make no mistake about it Obama would have been a dictator. He does not want to give up power and he wants his legacy/ideology to remain intact and everything he has done and is doing now points to that reality ergo the last minute rulings that will take future administrations years to untangle

You use the term nefarious move. Everything Obama does has shown that to be one adjective to describe him. You state watch Putin he is deceptive. I agree but so is Obama..if you want you to keep your... and also ask Israel

There is also no doubt that Obama will continue to lean on Trump's every move to delegitimatize Trump's election /Admin, etc and once again to reinforce his legacy

Personal Best Regards:
Obama's time is up very soon. We should be discussing what is coming, and we will soon have in the oval, the master of "fakes".

I actually see nothing different in what Obama is doing versus other Presidents have done.

I just see no value in discussing anything but what Trump will do. Nothing else really matters.

Election is over. As many said on this very forum in 2008/2009......they, we, you long are you going to blame Bush ? I simply do not want to fall into that trap.