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Old 12-27-2016, 04:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I don't "hate" you for anything.

1. Not even when you stand on your soapbox and play pseudo-intellectual.

2. Not even when you state something as fact...that is so easily proved to be a lie.

3. Not even when you cut/paste, without links/citations, in hopes of coming across as.. (see #1).

4. I don't hate you when you use a broad brush and anecdotal try and prove a point.

5. Not even when you lie, you know you're lying, get caught lying...and still protest that what you say is true.

In fact, I actually find you quite entertaining.

You want so bad to be taken seriously, and by your own ilk possibly you are, but for those of us who actually do research and strive to know the come across as the kid who was never quite accepted.

Which, ironically, makes me a bit empathetic for you.

"Hate" isn't in my nature, but an appreciation for the mirth you bring and a willingness to laugh out loud at the things you say and of people like you...definitely gives my life color.

So thanks for that.
Oh come on you hate me because I'm handsome On the serious side do you think I suffer from lack of self image? Do you think you are dealing with a neophyte or one who lacks confidence? I am funny how am I funny you mean funny ha ha...
Sorry but that guy's not me. You want to get along with me then learn to speak in a civil manner.
you are another of those progressive that demand my standards be higher than the left leaning confirmation bias lacking fact checking media sources you accept as gospel and use on these pages . gimme me a break

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