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Old 12-29-2016, 06:30 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Be ready to watch the carnage progressive plan to implement against Trump's agenda when he officially takes office. The more liberal the progressive the more vitriol their acts. Many well established progressives position to do harm will do their best to prevent a Trump Administration from enacting anything. The Black Caucus will close ranks (period). Obama, Clintons, liberal media attacks will be unrelenting because they don't care about America or Americans , collectively they are a woman scorned and they want their pound of flesh.

I believe in the background what is really the cause of all this chaos is that a white guy took office. Minorities, including many women believed the day of the white male was over. Minorities could settle for a woman whom they believed would follow the Obama blueprint and who by every measure hated guys. Those whites who do follow are being manipulated because of their misguidance on the issues of climate change and distaste for matters of defense or as they are otherwise labeled, useful idiots, by rich guys who profit from such misguidance

Personal Best Regards:
What a foolish post. Ah, poor white guys get discriminated against so much. Must be tough to be in the super majority. Wouldn't it be horrible if the democrats did to the republicans what the republicans have done to that back democratic president for 8 years. Wouldn't it be just horrible?