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Old 12-29-2016, 09:04 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
There's a certain sadness in being proved correct, that Trump's popularity has been the catalyst for those who have heretofore proclaimed they are not racist/bigoted...but now feel comfortable in coming out of the closet and proving otherwise.

We can see right here in this forum, those who have previously claimed that they didn't like Obama solely because of his policies...not pass up a chance to denigrate blacks (and Hispanics).

The proof is in the pudding.
Or...maybe they don't feel as threatened by political correctness now?

What IS there that is good to say about them? How they improve our schools, neighborhoods, towns, cities...with their presence? A black guy was placed in the what? Trump was placed in the presidency (no matter what YOU may think about the whole "political theater", the "kabuki theater" of the election), too.

Originally Posted by Guest
Remember when Obama disrespected Netanyahu at the White House, by walking out on their meeting to eat dinner?

Remember how upset Obama was when Netanyahu spoke to our Congress?

Obama takes things personal like a petulant child. Where Trump tweets like an adolescent, Obama acts on his petulance to punish those that he perceives wounds his ego.
You REALLY don't get it...he's "acting black", that's what they do! They cry for help..."please house, feed, and clothe me!"...and then they stab us in the back and demand to be treated as an equal. How about BE equal...ACT equal if you want to be treated as an equal.

There's ONE reason for mandatory quotas...somebody can't qualify on their own and they need "special help" to overcome their inadequacy. That's the no BS, bottom line truth about diversity, equality, and quotas. They're there because they need them and without them would have no representation.

What we're doing is like mandatory quotas on NBA or NFL teams. 2 out of the 11 players on the field MUST be a woman. 1 out of the 5 NBA players must be a woman. Would THAT make the game better? Would it REALLY "improve" the lot of women? Or does it DECREASE the quality of the game and make the women a laughing stock? That IS what quotas do NOW. Destroy and make you into a laughing stock as everyone knows you're out of your league.

Stop the "equality" insanity and go back to merit based, performance based. We'll ALL end up doing what we're best at...naturally best at. What we SHOULD be doing.