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Old 12-31-2016, 06:41 AM
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Default Why Progressives Are Attracted To Socialism

Has it ever occurred to you why progressives are attracted to socialism?

Well it all started with those radicals of the 60-70's who grew up upper middle class. Now some ideas are so absurd only intellectuals are seduced by them.

Hence these same radicals marched in the streets rallying against the very capitalistic system that elevated them in our society. There is also an underlying second reason which I will get to momentarily.

However these same radicals migrated to our educational institutes corrupting each successive generation of kids inundating them with distorted views on capitalism, religion, etc

Enter the millennial and their love of socialism and their hero Bernie Sanders. Like their forefathers before them this newest generation coming of age and ready to vote witnessed the wonders of socialism right here in the good US of A.

Those radicals of 60-70's also entered government, increasing welfare benefits at an alarming rate, which now segues us to the second reason progressives are drawn to socialism.

Socialism eliminates the risk of failure and responsibility. Socialism as the 47% non-Romney voters explain provides security with crutches. Hence the fear of failing is eliminated in life and God is dead because all progressives need can be had nursing at the government's breast. And it all free! free! free! It works something like the island of fun in the Pinocchio story. You know kids turning into donkeys as they devoured cotton candy and lollipops

Is it any wonder America's kids today are offended easily as defined by trigger warnings, micrco agressions cultural misappropriations and seeking safe spaces.

Is it any wonder why they broke down when an enterprising capitalist won the election . God forbid they have to go out and work for a living. I mean what if they fail at their job? And they recognize that in the corporate world you don't get a trophy just for showing up. Gosh, what's an enterprising socialist to do?

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