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Old 12-31-2016, 12:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I happen to agree . There were a number of draft dodgers, Bill Clinton among them. On the other hand there were guys like my cousin Tommy who served 4 years in the Air Force was discharged and re-up'd in the Army and did two tours of duty Viet Nam

I personally believe the nation made a mistake by moving from the draft to an all volunteer military. I wish it were reinstated but with less room for exceptions to equalize that the draft apply fairly across all socio-economic lines. I say this because too many young people have no skin in the game and hence seem almost oblivious to the nature and dangers of a failed foreign policy. I also say so because a volunteer military could well become cost prohibited. and as we are witnessing now criteria for selection continues to be lowered. I also say so because as many of us learned the military experience coming right out of high school was indeed helpful.

Personal Best Regards:
Your cousin sounds like a stand-up guy. How about yourself? Did you enlist or get drafted? How about your kids? Did they enlist? How about Trump or his kids?

Yes, I enlisted and served my 3 years.